Monday, December 17, 2007

Amelie at the botanic gardens

Heres Amelie at the botanic gardens...ok not the greatest photo but its hard to hold a baby in one hand and get a photo with the other.
Amelie also got to see ducks for the first time...there was a whole family of them and they cam up close so she could really watch them.

Just liked the photo

Sleeping runs in the family

Amelie seems to have her uncle Aarons gift of sleeping in any position...

I'm the tallest baby in the world

Amelie has discovered she loves standing. She can be screaming and if you hold her up to stand she'll stop and start grinning, in this 'I'm so impressed with myself' type way.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Just being cute

Amelie hits the beach

It was a little cold and windy by the time we got there, but Amelie didn't seem to mind too much

Friday, November 16, 2007

Trying to get the smiles

Daniel and I seem to spend much of our time now trying to get Amelie to smile and giggle. She does it a lot, just never when we are trying to get photos...

ok this is a bit of an experiment

Here's Amelie hanging out in her cot... ok if this works I'll be sure to get some more interesting footage but I'm sure granma will enjoy even this!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

8 weeks=needles

On Thursday I took Amelie to get her first round of immunisations... I guess I assumed that they would give all the medicine in one needle, so was quite shocked when the nurse pulled out three. I mean its pretty hard for most adults to face one needle, let alone three. But Amelie was a champion, only cried for a minute or so. And to be truthful while most mums freak out a little when they first hear the'I'm in pain and I might be dying..' cry (according to the nurse), I actually found it really cute!! Anyway it turns out Amelie is a bit of a giant... she's now 62cm...yes thats a massive 4cm of growth since her 6 week check up, putting her in the top 5% of her age group for a girl. It must be something going around because every baby I know seems to be about that size.

And of course there were friends to meet

Amelie got to meet lots of people, but being a terrible photographer I constantly forget to take photos. But here is one of her visit with Aunty Kate...very proficient at the baby holding thing! And one of her meeting Eli for the first time.

Amelie and Nanna

We also made a trip so Amelie could meet her scottish great-grandmother (on Dan's mum's side), Nanna. Hopefully we'll be able to head north about Easter time next year so Amelie can meet the rest of the family.

meeting the family

One of the big benefits of getting to sydney last week was of course getting to introduce Amelie to a whole bunch of people. Here is some shots of her meeting her Uncle Aaron and her cousins Conrad and Caleb... Aunty Joey was also there, but escaped the photos (except one really bad head cut in half shot clearly taken by me!!).

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Leaving on a jet plane

This last week we took a trip to sydney for the wedding of Stu and Katie. This of course was Amelie's first time on an airplane. She was awesome..slept the whole way in the baby carrier.

Amelie vs Turdle

Recently some guys from sydney came to town and gave us Turdle. It seems Amelie and he had some issues and it turned into a bit of a smack down... I think Amelie won and they are getting along better since

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

7 weeks yesterday..

6 weeks and still growing

Amelie went to the doctors for her 6 week check up last thursday, and she is now 5.1kgs and 58cm or what I would like to call the awkward between sizes phase. For example 000 clothes generally go up to 56cm, but 00 is for more like 64cm. Likewise huggies newborn nappies are up to 5kgs, but the crawler nappies are from 6-11kgs....what about the poor kids lingering in the gap between 5-6kgs? I don't know about you but to me there is nothing worse than a pair of undies that don't fit properly! But she seems happy enough.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My new threads

This week an NYI team from Sydney stayed with us, so i thought what better opportunity to show off my new threads that I can now fit in. For those who don't speak German, the orange shirt says 'yes, it must be this loud'- thanks Aunty Andrea!! It was also my first experience with jeans. I know I don't look happy but it was just that dang rash... which cleared up a little a few days later.

Friday, September 28, 2007

OK! That's it!! I can't take it no more.... more step closer and I am going to give you a knuckle sandwich!!!! ....mmmm....ahhhhhh......goooooooo.......mmmmmmmm........'sukka''sukka'.....actually....'sukka''sukka'...... scratch that,.... i might keep the knuckle sandwich for myself........ it ain't half bad actually......'sukka''sukka'.........
........carry on.......

Diagnosis: crazy obsessive first time parents

So amelie developed a rash this week, all over her face and head and well it was really ugly, so like all good parents we called a doctor out to the house to look at it...sure it was a sunday afternoon but you never know what a rash could turn into...chicken pox, measles....I've heard about reoccurances of small pox these days....Anyway the doctor came and told us it was completely normal 'hormone rash' or 'milk rash'.... it looks bad but doesn't seem to bother her any. Heres a photo of some of her smiles (inspite of the rash!)

Filling my days

I(Lyd) am currently still on maternity leave. My days generally revolve around the 3.5 hr feed cycle that amelie is on with very small activities taking up the spaces between feeding and settling amelie, for example feed-settle-shower-feed-settle- unstack-and load the dishwasher-feed-watch Oprah...and so forth. Today I put amelie in the bjorn baby carrier while I cleaned up a bit and then she hung out and watched some Dr Phil. She seemed to enjoy both activities.

Amelie turns a month old

Yesterday was Amelie's one month birthday... ok there was no cake but still a milestone none the less... one month of surviving the clumsy handling of learner parents, baths where her head accidently slipped under the water, a mum who falls asleep during those late night feeds (anyone remember those microsleep adds with Dr Karl?), being squirted in the face with breast milk, almost falling off the lounge when Dad left her hanging on a cushion....and I'm sure many more near misses.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Amelie's health report

Amelie is going great according to our nurse. She now weighs 4.32kgs and is 53.5cm.... Exciting is that she started to smile last week. We thought is was just wind or normal baby random activity, but she turned on a show for the nurse who said it was definately smiling and she was very impressed.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What's wrong with this picture?

This morning dad dressed his credit he normally gets it right... but this morning something was up.... I'll give you a hint my feet normally don't face backwards! Granma was the one to uncover it and luckily I got changed before the community nurse turned up for a check up!

Amelie turns 3 weeks

Monday was Amelie's 3rd birthday (3rd week that is), she celebrated by sleeping right through it and wasn't too happy with me when I wanted to take a photo.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007

It had to be done... my very first gigging shoes!

We were at harbourtown on Wednesday and Dan came back with a purchase for Amelie, soft soled cons on sale... they don't quite fit yet but soon...

Annoying habits

Over all Amelie is proving to be a fantastic baby, very regular sleeper/feeder and barely ever cries. The only habit she seems to be developing that is rather annoying is saving up her largest poo of the day for 5am, just after I take off her nappy and lift up her legs to wipe her bum...its like she sees my clean pjs and says 'well we just can't have that...ready...aim...' so for the last three nights both her and I have had to have a full outfit change at 5am... but I am getting quicker with the intercept!

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Thinker

Okay I'd like to think she was deep in thought...but really only deep in sleep. And here is Amelie with the first teddy she has taken to.

Trips to Granma and Granpa's

While Granma and Grandpa have been in town they have been staying over at Henley beach, which has made for some great days out, especially with some of the very warm weather we have had lately. Of couse Amelie sleeps through most of our outings, but she did seem to be enjoying the sky this one particular day.