Today is our due date...really with something like 3% of babies being born on said date I really don't know why they bother!! Not a very good accuracy rate if you ask me!! Anyway they have given us a date to count down to as the midwife says I'll be induced come Sunday night... that created a scary silent moment for Daniel and I sitting in her office, I think having a definite end point just makes it all very real... yes you would think that reality had set it by now, but I'm discovering that reality is something that unfolds itself, bit by shocking bit.
Anyway for the sake of interest heres a photo of me at my most fat, heading off to a musical a couple of days a go.... which, for Copland's interest, Alex was in...
Hey Guys,
Well we are doing the count down here in Sydney too... last night at bible study we were wrondering if would happen on the 22nd...I guess not! Your in our prayers... love you heaps
The waiting is pretty bad. Jo was due to be induced the day after we had Max. The following seemed to work for us Raspberry leaf tea from a health food store and long walks.
Even once you are holding the baby when you get home it still sinks in that you have become a parent!
Lyd I can't believe you're full term and still wearing those heels!! You look so cute :)
We are SO excited as we hang out for that sms to come through so we'll keep you in our prayers for a quick and safe delivery.
The nursery looks beautiful.
Love you all
Deb & Loz
Enjoy your enduction!
...or is it induction?
Welcome to The World Amelie Kate Woodyatt.
Preciuos Princess Of Heaven We Love you, say Hi to Mummy & Daddy for us & love them as much as you can, as I am sure mummy & daddy will love you that much & more too.
Congratulations Team Woodyatt from Team Batkin.
We hope and pray that all is going well as you all get to know each other and in a little while as Amelie settles into home.
Much Love,
Cam, Jo & Max
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