Here are some little feet and hand shots. Simon called her 'foot' before we had a name for her, so I thought I would post some photos. (complete with dirty mark on her foot. Darn!)
Does anyone know how to get some of those ink handprints/footprints from a baby? I thought of maybe using watercolour paints, but it may not be dark enough... If I use anything stronger I might end up making a mistake like george in Seinfeld with the wedding invitations... and I am determined to not seriously injure my first child by doing anything stupid. (It's gonna be tough, I know). Any ideas?
Injure your child? My friend it's not a question of if, but rather of when...and possibly how badly.
The stories of stupidity that Nathaniel could tell you. I'm pretty sure that's why God made it so they can't talk straight away.
Check the holiday blog when you get the chance...
i actually used watercolour paints to get some feet and handprints for a fathers day card for cam. max HATED it!! i dont recommend it unless you're willing to put up with a lot of screaming. max also decided he wouldnt unclench his fist which made handprints difficult. i eventually got some recognisable prints but the tears in max's eyes and the look of betrayal on his face were a high price to pay. of course amelie may not be as difficult, but my experience wasn't pleasant. let me know if you find a better way!
We used stamp pad ink on yours. It washes off, don't worry. Might take a few years...(only joking).
Photos are great!
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