Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Sorry its been so long

I used to keep a journal as a child, and because I was so irregular at writing it, but used to feel guilty about it, as I look through it pretty much every entry began with 'Dear diary, sorry its been so long but....' So...

Sorry its been so long, but....

Well no excuses, I'm not particualrly good at keeping up anything with regularity but life has been pretty crazy. Anyway here is some picture. Amelie still isn't walking, one of the babies at church (who is only 10 months!) has beaten her to the post!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Amelie and Chloe eating grass

I had Amelie outside the other day while I was hanging out the washing. It seems she and chloe have a mutual love of eating grass... lets hope this is the only type of grass she has an affinity for...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Here's the snorting thing

Since last we met

Well its been a while, so here is a bit of an update... This month we headed of on holidays. We spent a week visiting relatives and friends from the gold coast to Glen Innes. It was great to see everyone we did and Amelie was pretty good with all the hours in the plane/car.... we need her to be practiced up for Europe next year!

We then traversed NSW to meet up with the Batkins, Fiddes', Pennells and Coplands for our family holiday week in Nambucca heads. Being the awesome dedicated photographer that I am, I managed to leave my camera with my parents, so no holiday pics (other than those we received from Jo and Theresa, the ones here are Jo's- thanks!!) But overall Good Times. I managed to achieve my two holiday goals of a)reading a entire novel, and b) completing a jigsaw puzzel (don't ask me why, I just wanted to!)
And of course lots of good laughs and chats and food!

Amelie seemed to do pretty well with the whole situation, and all the kids prepared her a little for childcare, which she is now in a day a week.

At the moment my parents are down, Amelie is occupied and I am currently supposed to be making headway on my thesis, but thanks to the sickness we all brought back from Holidays (Thanks Cam and Jo!!) am having trouble focusing myself....hence the blogging!

Amelie is also now sitting up, doing this weird responsive snorting thing (I'll post a video later), and waving on occasion.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Festival of Arts

Last friday we all headed in to the opening of the festival of Arts. Amelie didn't have the staying power and started nodding off while we were waiting for the performance to start. She woke up during it though...the electric violin and huge bass completely freaked her out.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

check out my feet....

Amelie flagged out after playing with turdle

Amelie was playing in her cot this week and I came in to find her fast asleep.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

This is us this morning hanging out...

Amelie eating

I didn't get any footage of the first meal, but here is amelie with her second- I don't know why they call it 'solids' there's not really anything solid about it at all! For entree she will be having bananna and farex with yogurt mash, followed by a main course of bananna mash with yogurt and farex, and finally a smooth desert of yogurt with undertones of bananna and farex...have any of you parents eaten farex... How is that even food at all?? This week she'll be widening her repetoire slowly.

Amelie is coming along pretty well, she has just transitioned into size '0', is weighing about 7.2kgs, is 69cm long. She isn't sitting or rolling really yet, but loves walking if you hold her hands. Her favourite thing is Chloe, she always wants to walk over to her and giggles and laughs when she gets close. Then she grabs handfuls of chloe's fur- which chloe has been very patient with. When Amelie starts crawling we might need to get a play pen for Chloe's protection.
Dan and I are doing pretty well, both back at uni and working lots. Amelie is great, she comes with me to pretty much everything (except uni). She's a great team member!! Although we are very greatful to all of of our friends who are willing to look after her and give us a break when we need it...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Working towards crawling

Chloe having a taste...

Chloe and amelie get along really well so far. Chloe is very relaxed around her and Amelie loves watching chloe, and has just started trying to touch her. Today when I was taking some photos I think chloe got close enough to lick amelie... she just started laughing.

Monday, February 4, 2008

5 months and about time for an update

Hey everyone, sorry its been a while, January was a crazy month. Amelie had her first long road trip to Melbourne. She was really good until about the last hour when it all got just a bit to much... but hey driving that far would be boring if all you can really see is the back car seat!
Amelie is now 7.3kgs and 69cm... still very tall. She loves standing (with a little help) and moving and while in Melbourne made her first attempt at steps...well she was being held up by Rel and Dennis at the time, but still it was cool. She also has started grabbing food off me and putting it in her mouth, and yesterday took the bottle off Daniel and started feeding herself....very cool but I'm trying to hold off solids for another month, mainly to avoid the mess!! She is having tastes of various things though; curry, olives, coldrock...you know just the basics! She always comes back for more, just like her mum!

Friday, January 4, 2008

More Christmas

Amelie got to meet her cousins grace, Levi, and Jonah (and her unlce and aunt Luke and Es) for the first time on Boxing Day. She also met Dan's parents (officially known as mia and poppy).

We got to spend a large portion of our week swimming, and Amelie loves the water. She didn't even flinch when I dunked her....

more present opening

Christmas Pics

Christmas was a crazy time, flying over to Sydney during lunch on christmas day. When it came to presents at first amelie didn't really get the idea, but after a while and a nap she got into the spirit of things and ripped at the paper on her presents....