Hey everyone, sorry its been a while, January was a crazy month. Amelie had her first long road trip to Melbourne. She was really good until about the last hour when it all got just a bit to much... but hey driving that far would be boring if all you can really see is the back car seat!
Amelie is now 7.3kgs and 69cm... still very tall. She loves standing (with a little help) and moving and while in Melbourne made her first attempt at steps...well she was being held up by Rel and Dennis at the time, but still it was cool. She also has started grabbing food off me and putting it in her mouth, and yesterday took the bottle off Daniel and started feeding herself....very cool but I'm trying to hold off solids for another month, mainly to avoid the mess!! She is having tastes of various things though; curry, olives, coldrock...you know just the basics! She always comes back for more, just like her mum!
Thanks for the update. It looks like Amelie has changed a bit in the last month or so.
It looks like she will be on the move very quickly.
Glad to see she has her parent's appetite and love of food. We haven't tried Max on anything exotic yet but he wolfs down his Max Mush which is custom made with him in mind!
hi guys long time and thanks for the update, talk soon.
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